October 7, 2022
1. Money
In times of inflation, everything seems to be going up except one thing:
SALARY. Over the past quarter, I've spoken to over 100 candidates and at least 70% of them are expecting an increment of 20% and up. Do you have that particular skillset that your potential employer is looking for to deserve that increase? Of course, everybody will quote an expectation slightly higher in order to not get lowballed. So reach out to a specialist recruiter (like myself) for further discussions.
2. Career
"I did not get a promotion during the pandemic period". I hear this statement often, especially from candidates that graduated during the COVID-19 period. Of all the candidates I've spoken to, 86% of them are looking to move due to the lack of progression opportunities. So, speak to your boss for that promotion. Or reach out to me for potential opportunities!
3. Boss
Came across this statement, "quiet quitting happened because of bad bosses, not bad employees". The word "bad" is subjective but I'm sure everyone reading this knows what your own definition is. It's 2022. Let's put micromanagement behind our backs.
4. Company / Culture
Work From Home is the new norm. Of course, with the ease of the pandemic, many firms are transiting to Hybrid Working. Being a good culture fit to the team is important too! So do your KYC before agreeing to onboard just because the potential employer is offering you more money. Your mental wellbeing is equally important.
If you are an employer looking to expand your team or if you are unsure about the next step in your career, drop me a message via LinkedIn or email me for a confidential discussion.
Coffee's on me!
Executive Search
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